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What is The INSIDE OUT Journey?

The INSIDE OUT Journey

Inner strength | Outward Resiliency 


My observation is that leaders have an innate drive to get to next. This drive is often without regard for who they are now or for who they are becoming. As a result leaders stall, become distracted or even derailed because of inattention to their inner strength. In order to get to next a leader must take care of now. Now, requires a leader to form inner strength increasing their capacity to face life and leadership challenges with resiliency. Next is now!


Journey” is about focus, direction and process. Journey is personal and because it begins on the inside it is hidden. My observation is that human beings are often ensnared by untruths they have come to believe about God, themselves and others; by wounds life has inflicted upon them; and memories of past failures. Snares leave a person feeling helpless and stuck. The journey of self-discovery, guided by wisdom, brings freedom accompanied by new focus and clear direction.

The combined symbols of the infinite sign and the arrow represent two important truths. The infinite sign speaks of the never-ending relationship between the inner and the outer domains of a person’s life. The arrow speaks of forward momentum and of “straight arrow ” truths connecting the inner and outer domains. The arrow entering the left sphere of the infinite sign represents the first priority, wisdom-based principles shaping the inner life. The arrow exiting the right sphere speaks of the effect strengths-based wisdom produces on outward resilience. Resiliency is the visible ability – to choose, to stand, to bounce back and to remain front focused in the midst of life and leadership challenges. 

The light and dark colours, forming the infinite sign, represent the nature of life as crisis and opportunity. The wise person knows that embedded within every crisis is opportunity and that every opportunity is inevitably accompanied by crisis. Resilient leaders know how to see and respond to both.

“Above all else guard your heart, it is the wellspring of life!”
King Solomon (Proverbs 4:23)

Who is Kervin Raugust? 

Hi! I am Kervin Raugust, founder of The INSIDE OUT Journey. Born and raised on a farm at Delia, Alberta, I learned the importance of seed planting. Farmers understand the power of the seed to produce a harvest. Seed-planting has been my vocation since I moved away from the farm in 1976. Wherever I have lived and led, I have sought to plant good seed so that lives could flourish. There is power in the seed!

My life journey has taken me into the arena of education as a vocational pastor, college president, executive leader of a church and as president of a network of Canadian churches. As a volunteer I have been involved with the L’Arche Community of Calgary for special needs adults; and with the New Canadian Friendship Center, both of which teach me the true value of community in supporting, loving , accepting, forgiving and believing in others.

Looking through the window into my inner life, you will discover that I am a follower of Jesus Christ, who is my life coach. My family matters immensely to me. There is no better place to live than in Canada, in the city of Calgary with the Rockies in our front-yard and the prairies in our backyard. I am a life-long student and I work hard at avoiding the hurried life in order to enjoy the gifts which come with slowing.

The Great Commission Foundation

What does the Great Commission Foundation (GCF) do? 

The INSIDE OUT Journey is an agent of GCF since March 2021.

Established in 2002, GCF exists as a public foundation to promote Christian ministry and humanitarian aid around the world. The GCF exists to help individuals and non-governmental organizations with financial management and administration services. In particular, GCF provides its agents with charity compliance as required by the Canada Revenue Agency and the US Internal Revenue Service.

GCF also provides the avenue for donors and charities to process gifts of cash or assets for the GCF approved agent or project of their choosing.